Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Research... that's right, search, re-search, and search some more

It's that time of the year.... research is on!  We will be having a lot of tutorials and helpful instructions in class to make the process as clear and painless as possible, so be sure to have good attendance for great understanding.  You have chosen a speech to research and now is the time to get to know it well!  Below are audio links to your speech. Continue scrolling down for video of speeches.

Here's what to do:

1. Please listen and read along.  Mark what stands out to you, and write questions and observations in the margins of your speech.

2. After listening, re-read your speech again and mark up other observations.

The Speeches:

Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" 1775
Winston Churchill's "Their Finest Hour" 1940 PART I Winston Churchill's "Their Finest Hour" 1940 PART 2 Winston Churchill's "Their Finest Hour" 1940 PART 3

Mother Teresa's Nobel Prize acceptance speech video - click here

Maya Angelou's "On the Pulse of the Morning" Inaugural Poem 1993

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