Friday, February 22, 2013

Feb. 25th - Feb. 28th

FYI: Our 9th graders have a great opportunity to see Odyssey Dance’s productions of Romeo and Juliet.  We will be studying Shakespeare later this year, and this is a great way to be introduced to the timeless stories of Shakespeare. Students must have a C- or better on all their classes by Wed. Feb. 27th  in order to qualify.  Tickets are $10, but if this is not possible, this will not prohibit students from attending.  The field trip will be Friday, March. 8th.
Parent teacher conferences are Wed. Feb. 27th and Thu. Feb. 28th from 3:30 – 7:00

Weekly Quotes:
“Sometimes there is such beauty in awkwardness.”-Ruta Sepetys

“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.”
Lloyd Alexander

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